01353 72 20 20 vr@vrobinson.co.uk

COntact Vivienne Robinson


01353 72 20 20


Vivienne Robinson can help you with all stages of regulatory and criminal investigations for breach of the competition rules, including before the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority, the UK’ sector regulators and the European Commission.

We have advised on numerous cartels that have avoided close scrutiny, as well as others that have resulted in substantial fines. We act for companies that want to lodge a complaint with a regulator and with those under investigation.

Examples of our work include acting for:

  • A company allegedly involved in a cartel under investigation by a sectoral regulator;
  • A complainant alleging, in an application to the European Commission, anti-competitive practices in the rules of an international sport;
  • One of the alleged cartelists in the freight forwarding cartel investigated by the European Commission (with the successful result that our client, unlike most others, was not fined);
  • A participant in the steel abrasives cartel;
  • A large telecommunications company on an investigation alleging a group boycott (again with the case eventually being dropped);
  • Numerous companies in receipt of requests for information from regulators;
  • A managing director under criminal investigation;
  • Several publishers involved in the European Commission’s investigations into abuses of dominance by Apple and by Amazon.

If your company finds itself in difficulties, call straight away for a chat to see what we can do to help.

“Vivienne’s advice is always expert but also pragmatic, and her ability to understand both the law and the needs of our business have made her an excellent adviser for us.”
CEO, Leading UK Publisher

“Vivienne combines a genuine wealth of experience with a really pragmatic, no-nonsense approach which is an invaluable resource for us and our clients.”
Partner, Birmingham law firm